Packaging services
Whether you need medical packaging for European, Asian or African study locations, we can develop tailored solutions for your diverse needs.
Alcura has extensive experience in producing secure, customized packs at each stage of the clinical research and development process.
Licensed facilities
Alcura ensures adherence to European quality standards.
Our state of the art facilities have all appropriate licenses for the production of primary and secondary packaging and the labeling of clinical trials materials.
Complete study kits
We can produce bespoke healthcare packaging for Phase I to Phase IV studies. Our skilled packaging teams work closely with your clinical research groups to design complete kits for blinded medical studies.
These kits include a wide range of clinical trial consumables, such as medicated swabs, pre-filled syringes, dosage packs, labelled cartons and patient information leaflets.
We can distribute these medical packages to health care centers, hospitals or other clinical research sites in various countries to match your requirements.
Clinical Trial Supply Europe 2017
Meet the Alcura team in Barcelona on 15 and 16 March, 2017, for the 17th Clinical Trial Supply Europe conference
Contact us for any questions regarding our services. For patient enquiries please contact your local patient services team