Bespoke manufacturing

Bespoke manufacturing

We can arrange the manufacturing of bespoke and specialist formulations for individual patient use.

Over 70,000* formulations

Backed by over 70* years of experience, the Company has carefully developed over 70,000* formulations for bespoke manufacturing use.

Our pharmacists are experts at producing vital medicines for acute, complex and chronic healthcare conditions.

Pharmacy-led manufacturing

Alcura can also coordinate the manufacture and delivery of bespoke medicines for numerous community pharmacies and hospital pharmacies across Europe.

Quality and safety

All bespoke treatments are manufactured using state-of-the-art facilities, approved by the local regulatory authorities in each country. So you can be sure your patients are receiving high quality, safe products designed for their needs.

* Figures are approximations at 31 March 2014.


Contact us for any questions regarding our services. For patient enquiries please contact your local patient services team